The day started off calm, peaceful. That lasted until the drive home at lunch time. Suddenly the streets were filled with wacky drivers all changing lanes at the last minute, not signaling, swerving to the left then to the right and changing lanes again. Whee, I wondered, what would Mary the Mother of God do if she lived in present times and had to drive?
"Bless you, what do you think you're doing changing lanes without a blinker?"
"My child, will you please slow down?"
Now I realize that Mary the mother of God is very peaceful, kind and gentle, but I'm kind of thinking that driving in traffic may have made living without sin and in constant grace a little difficult at times. Maybe she would just take a bus or Uber since we don't have too many donkeys in the city. But as I keep trying to focus on how Mary would react to the day I am having, I keep trying to breathe out, relax and send out a blessing instead of a curse at those wacky drivers. Good grief it's not easy! I arrive at Walmart to do some shopping.
How would Mary do Walmart?
"Welcome Walmart shoppers, please clear the aisle for Jesus and his mother."
That probably wouldn't happen since she couldn't even get a room in the inn to deliver her baby 2000 years ago, when I assume everyone was little nicer.
So she would be pushing a cart with Jesus sitting inside up and down the aisles marveling at disposable diapers and food that didn't have to be cooked over a fire or in a brick oven. She would wait patiently in line behind the shoppers with all their coupons and carts of everything imaginable we are blessed to be able to purchase in the United States. She would wait patiently for cars to pass at the crosswalk and enjoy the walk to her...whatever she would be driving? Or maybe Joseph would pick her up at the door.
It's hard to remember in the midst of aggravation to be calm and peaceful like Mary would be. You know she had to go to the market, go do laundry at the well or the river, gather up firewood and keep everything in the house in order and work with neighbors. The donkey probably was stubborn at times and looking after a toddler who also happened to be the Son of God had to make her a little nervous. So I know I can be like her sometimes because she experienced at least some of the same trials and worries I have during the day. So my goal this Advent is to try to be a little like the Holy Mother and have more gentleness and peace.